Friday, December 28, 2012

Santa brings a dog

O.K. Santa did not really bring a dog for Christmas, but he did leave a certificate for the family that entitles them to one Canus Lupus (not to be mistaken for a Lupus Lupus). If you don't want to look up the translation nor have seen "Fantastic Mr. Fox", that would be a dog and not a wolf.

This may come as a complete shock to those that know our family, since I have declared several times that I do not want a dog in the house. I have caved little by little as family members adopt new dogs and bring them over to visit. I couldn't say no when asked because that would be like saying, "Yes, you may stay the night, but your children are not welcome." I have also noticed that our last lonely cat is now King of the House and does not let the dogs mess with him. Last year I heard a dog and cat running in circles and was wondering why no one stopped the big labrador from chasing my cat. Little did I know it was the other way around and Clifford (named after Cliff Claven from Cheers) the cat was chasing the animal ten times his size.

I have also come to realize how much a family dog will be great for my children. Since I feel the benefits would outweigh the work, I have changed my mind. Yes, I do know that I will be the main person taking care of the new pet, but I have resigned myself to this position.

Now here comes the big dilemma. What dog will fit best into our family? We have taken the on-line surveys and Whippet comes up as a great choice. We want a medium size dog and not too furry. Perfect. However, I read they love to chase cats as prey. Clifford is still the King of the House, so that won't work. Plus we built (o.k. my husband built) a lovely squirrel house in the tree nearest to our house. Would they now fear for their lives. And of course I love adding more work to my day and am still planning on adding chickens this spring. Only four, so it will not be a large farm.

We decided the best way to find the best new friend to our home is word of mouth. So here is where we welcome any advice. Who is your best friend from the canus lupus species in your home and how did they come to stay with you?


  1. Adopt from your local shelter! Our dog couldn't be more of an omega When she met our cat, (who is definitely King) she rolled onto her back and wanted to play! If you decide to go the breeder route, make sure that it is a responsible one and not a puppy mill. Best of luck! Canus lupus are great for the whole family!

  2. Hi Ingrid,
    I keep trying to post and something inevitably happens with my phone/computer so I'll try one more time.

    We adopted a rescue puppy from Missouri, who is part beagle and part lab. She is now three and looks like a big lab puppy, weighs about 30 lbs. She is my very first dog and I cannot tell you enough how much we adore this girl. She is so cuddly and so very loyal (although being part beagle, she sometimes fails to listen to use when she gets on a scent). She sheds but not a ton, and we could not be happier with her. Best of luck on your doggy search. You'll get a great one!
    Katie Doherty
