I have never been big on New Year Resolutions. When I am determined to accomplish something, I will take on the challenge any time of the year. I’m always looking at eating less and exercising more, so that is a constant resolution in my mind. Perhaps even an obsession. I wanted to go on a Yoga retreat with my childhood friend, so I decided to stretch myself and try Yoga this summer. I am so happy I accomplished that goal, but that is a whole other story. Now I have made another resolution in my life and since it happens to occur on the New Year, I am now signing up for a New Year Resolution.
I am changing my career for my New Year Resolution. I always said I want to write and I need to accomplish my last high school goal to write a book about my parents’ immigration to America. It would be amazing to go beyond the first chapter. However, I am also a realist and will always enjoy working for non-profit organizations, so I will continue to freelance with projects for non-profits. The other part of my time will be dedicated to my family and to my new resolution of writing. I have no control on how far writing will take me, but I’m willing to try. The beauty of turning 40 and starting new adventures is that I don’t mind going slowly and even failing along the way. I really don’t care as long as I give it my best and try. An example is my garden in my yard. Yes, there is in our yard a garden for him and a garden for her. My husband knows not to touch my garden, no matter how pathetic it may appear. The reason is that I wanted to try gardening and in the process I want to fail and learn from my mistakes. My garden may still never compare to his great design, but it doesn’t matter because it’s mine.
As I start a new adventure in my career life, I wasn’t sure how to define myself. A good person and friend asked me why I didn’t just call myself a writer because that is what I want to do. Beyond the obvious of not constantly publishing, I found my epiphany to go for it. So I will call myself a writer, and of course freelance coordinator of nonprofits on the side (the realist in me).
Now I hear the buzz of the dryer ringing, so I must pursue my other quest in taking care of my family because I feel compelled to provide clean underwear.
Power Lines
8 months ago